Merchant Navy

This week the Canadian Merchant Navy Veterans Association met in Ottawa for what may be the last time. They were here to hold their annual general meeting and to remember those that were lost in the fight. The Merchant Navy fought the same war as did the Royal Canadian Navy (RCN) but with a substantially different role. They sailed in convoys with the protection of the RCN but the RCN was thinly spread over the convoy area, had guns to fight back and were faster. The merchantmen sailed more slowly, had few if any guns, and, let’s face it, were the primary targets of the U-Boat Wolfpacks. These men played a significant role in the winning in the war and were not considered as combat veterans or entitled to veterans benefits until recently.

On Saturday they had their AGM followed by a dinner and dance and on Sunday, they held the Merchant Navy Remembrance Ceremony at the National War Memorial in Ottawa.

Follow this link to the pictures

Merchant Navy Veterans with Sea Cadets
Merchant Navy Veterans with Sea Cadets