Cat Looking Out Window
HDRI rendition of our cat looking out our bedroom window

I have started looking at how to use High Dynamic Range Imaging (HDRI) into some of my photos and started with a simple study of our cat looking out the window. The HDRI is supposed to provide an increased dynamic range of light by compositing several different exposures of the same scene. In this case, it allowed the scene outside the window to show as well as the interior of the room, which would have been impossible without the exposing for the window and then using auxillary lights to light the room.
I’ve then taken this another step to try and get a painterly/surreal look to the photo so that it moves away from being a straight photography to something with a little more artistic merit. Now, I will say that this type of work is very subjective to the individual and not for all tastes and is easy to overdue (as some may feel this is). Keep clicking on the photo to see the 1280 pixel version.
I think that there is a lot of use for HDRI (minus the painterly/surreal part) for doing a lot of photos. I recently used it to capture a nighttime photo of the gazebo at Beechwood Cemetery at their Candlelight Ceremony and it came out well. I think also for doing the ice sculptures during winterlude would be good as well.